Saturday, February 11, 2012

Did anyone else forget mothers day today?

Really meant to get cards from the kids yesterday but got stuck in the pub instead came down to a very upset wife oopss

Did anyone else forget mothers day today?
Yeah my idiot partner. You are not alone.
Reply:its mothers day today? I had no idea,seriously.

But would not matter anyways, I aint chat to my dad %26amp; My mom %26amp; I aint kinda get along very well
Reply:Steven ... this is March ..... Mothers Day is in May......or are you still back in '07.
Reply:For everyone confused, today was mothers day in England but it's in May in America.

I didn't forget though! =]
Reply:mothers day is in may......
Reply:oh wow what a day to be at my dads apt lol.. my moms gonna kill me if idont have a present rofl
Reply:I have forgotten to give the prezzies so i will go wrap them up now. Thanks x
Reply:nope but not to late to ring :)
Reply:Well my step-daughter ain't phoned her mom yet!!!!!!
Reply:mothers day is may 11th...........

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