Saturday, February 11, 2012

One for the mothers, what did you get for Mothers Day?

My daughter didn't even get me a card. I would have settled for a hug and an I love you mom, but nothing. I sure hope your kids love you more than mine does me :(

One for the mothers, what did you get for Mothers Day?
my husband let all weekend be mothers day.and him and the kids hid gifts and had surprises for me all weekend.we ended today by dinner and a movie and a wrist was wonderful.your daughter should be ashamed of herself
Reply:I got time with my kids. We went to McDonald's play place and had a blast!
Reply:im sorry to hear that! i got a homemade card (which i love) from my son (he's 12) and he put a picture of me on the card ( i love it).

this is what my boyfriend gave me...took me out to breakfast and gave me a terrible headache.
Reply:My five year old made me a card and got me a flower. My 9 month old droled on me. I just sat back and watched my kids laugh and smile. That is the present I really enjoyed. Just spending time with my kids. My husband hasn't gotten me anything yet, but he is not home this week. I am sure your daughter loves you, maybe she just forgot it was mother's day. I still forget when it's my birthday (I have adhd.) I swear if I don't right it down on the calander, and no one says happy birthday I forget.
Reply:NOTHING! NOT even a Happy Mother's Day from one of them!!! Hubby did wish me a Happy Mother's Day. Does that count?

Actually I am sick here - Bronchitis - Spent my day in bed sleeping off %26amp; on.

While hubby %26amp; the 2 older kids went out to dinner with the inlaws. The younger son stayed home %26amp; played games %26amp; watched TV while I slept! I did make him something to eat before I went to sleep!

My mother-in-law did give me a planter with flowers in it yesterday. Supposedly from the kids.

I didn't call my mother either. Shes mad at my sister %26amp; me for some odd reason. Nothing new there... lol I did send her an eCard though. I received none from anyone. :-( Even though I sent several out to other friends/family.
Reply:awww I'm sure that she loves you. My kids made stuff at school. My husband gave me flowers from the kids, and a video game.
Reply:My mom has been wearing shoes way too small for her... so i bought her a new pair. :D
Reply:It is good to see a variety of answers to this question. I was having a little pity party for myself tonight. I have two teenagers who are going through a phase of total anger and disrespect. So, out of a sense of "obligation" I think, I got a gift card to go out to dinner and a bouquet of flowers. My oldest son dropped off his note and gift while I wasn't home and my daughter was very disrespectful at dinner .... all in all - my day sucked too!!!
Reply:We didn't have very much money this year, so I got 2 coloring book pictured from my kids, my husband cleaned the kitchen, and he bought me my favorite, an strawberry soda!! My family rules!!
Reply:yep,i am sorry,belated mothers day,we all love u mom
Reply:my 16 year old daughter got me a beautiful card and wrote nice things in it,,, and a hug and kiss,, then she went to work, and i didnt do anything else all day, except play on here and watch tv!!!! so i had a great day!!! sure sorry your daughter didnt get you a card,,, kids,,, what is up with them nowadays??????
Reply:k i know this is the for the mothers but i just wanted to say as a 17 year old just because your daughter was lazy and inconsiderate doesn't mean she doesn't love you. i love my mom oodles but i didn't get her anything for her birthday once (i know awful right?). today i got my mom a sweet card and replaced her favorite salad bowl that had begun cracking. HAPPY MOM"S DAY TO ALL THOSE MOM'S OUT THERE! even if we don't show it always we owe everything to y'all and love you bunches!
Reply:Sorry you didn't so accept my wishes for a better Mother's day next year! How old is your daughter? It may be teenage angst for some reason or another? I have 2 daughters (22 %26amp; 20) %26amp; 2 stepchildren (20 daughter %26amp; 18 son). The girls remembered %26amp; gave me cards / calls %26amp; hugs. My stepson didn't. Being that age they don't always think of it.

Try going over %26amp; hugging her %26amp; see how she reacts. Sometimes kids just need a hug for no apparent reason %26amp; maybe a little "quality time WOW". That's what I do with mine %26amp; it usually works :)

Good luck!
Reply:I'm sorry...I hope there is a valid reason.
Reply:I got a dozen roses mixed colors yellow, white, and red with maroon carnations and white daisies, very beautiful!! It came with 6 balloons, a martinishaker and glass, and a mother's ring with my 2 daughter's names and birthstones

choosing shoe horns

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