Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mothers day> i wont even be home wiht my mom! what should i do fo rher?

so i o to school in new york even though i live in michigan, and im not going 2 be hoem fro moethers day so does anyen ahve any ideas i can do for her?

i mite make a card to fax her, but i need ideas for hte card and also just something i can do for her that will maybe make up fo me not being there.

o and i also rllky dont have $$ or a way ot buy her anythign cuz i dont have a ride or a credit card ot get things online...

Mothers day%26gt; i wont even be home wiht my mom! what should i do fo rher?
Since you have a computer, you could send her an email or e-card, and always give her a call on Mother's day. It's the busiest day for phone calls of the entire year, even more than Christmas. Just tell her you love her, and thank her for whatever she has done for you. That's what I appreciate most!
Reply:Give her a call, no matter how short. Let her know that you love her and that you would have liked to have been there for her on Mothers day. That should mean more to her than the most expensive gift.
Reply:send her an animated ecard send her a card you made yourself, buy something she wants or has always said she needed

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