Saturday, February 11, 2012

For mothers day, what do a mom like?

I need help! flowers? just a card?

For mothers day, what do a mom like?
Flowers are nice, but family is the best gift for her.Just sitting around talking,eating,and laughing.Ask her she will tell you.The gifts are just a sign of affection towards her,we love them but they are not necessary..Happy Mothers Day,show her you love her...
Reply:Strippers, beer and cigarettes. Oh yea and a pocket full of ones.
Reply:I think most moms are simple and would like anything. Maybe, most of all they prefer jewelry, gift certificate to the salon, flowers, and spend time with her family, especially her children.
Reply:Anything, as long as it's from the heart. Just tell your Mom that you love her. When my daughter was 6 years old. She brought me breakfast in bed consisting of cereal and orange juice along with the morning newspaper. When I finished breakfast she washed the dishes and let me lie in bed and relax. She is now 17 and if does that for me this Mother's Day I would love it just as much
Reply:Anything....She likes you to be nice to them thats the most important thing!!
Reply:Dark Chocolate and an orchid plant!

seriously... anything from her children and husband .

Do the dishes for her - bring in some flowers from the garden. Take her to a baseball game!

anything memorable

Reply:She's your mother, she'll be happy with whatever you give her. Just do what you think she'll like and she'll be happy. Maybe you could make something for her or even whip up a meal.

Teeth Problems

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