Saturday, February 11, 2012

Adoptees, did you celebrate birthmothers day?

I sent my birthmom a card and some flowers by mail but we didn't really celebrate as such.

What did you guys do?

Also Happy Mothers day to all moms out there!

Adoptees, did you celebrate birthmothers day?
I do. My bmom celebrates the day (BTW - it was created by a birth mother, not an adoptive mother) so I send her a card. I celebrate mother's day with my mom, although I have been known to have just one event and invite them both to it.
Reply:NO! I celebrate Mother's Day and that includes my natural mother since she is, in fact, MY MOTHER. I refuse to acknowledge a day that glorifies a term I loathe. I will never celebrate this day and I couldn't care less who coined the term or thought up the day since in the end it makes me feel as though my mother and I aren't mothers at all, just breeders for those desperate for a child... and that is something NO woman should ever feel.
Reply:Never even knew they had one till I read it on here. But even if I had known and if I did know my bio mom I would not have celebrated it. I always thought that mothers day was to celebrate ALL mothers (moms, grandma's, adoptive moms and bio moms) or anyone that has been in the position to be called mom by another. To me by having a birth mother day is like saying well you had a kid but your not important enough to be put in the same group as other moms. I do not know my bio mom, but every Mothers Day I say a prayer for her, send her my love (in my prayers and thoughts) and wish her the best.
Reply:No - I think 'Birthmothers' day is ridiculous.

I'm an adoptee.

I have two mothers.

They are both real to me - and mean a lot in different ways.

I celebrate my mothers on Mother's Day.

Otherwise - shouldn't adoptive mothers have their own day???

'Birthmothers' day was made to pretend that the birth-mother wasn't the real mother - and not as important to celebrate on the normal 'Mother's Day'.

Adoption agencies would have us all believe that once we're handed over - that our first mothers have no bearing in our lives.

They do.

They always will.

There is at LEAST half nature in me - as there is half nurture.

(if not more)
Reply:No I would never celebrate 'birthmothers day' I find the idea abhorant I did celebrate MOTHERS day though and both my mothers (natural and adoptive) got a card and gifts

Happy Mothers Day to all Moms out there!
Reply:Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but many woman who take on the role of mom are honored on Mother's day.

My dd sent her mom a card and we sent flowers as a family for Mother's day.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!
Reply:No, I did not.

I celebrated both of my mothers on Mother's Day. They both got cards and phone calls.
Reply:No, I don't like the idea of a separate day. Mothers are mothers are mothers.
Reply:i trying to decide if i should call my bio mom today since its mothers day. they have a birthmothers day whens that?
Reply:i only just found out i was adopted a couple of days ago at the age of 17

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